Chair of the Scientific Committee:
Dr. Anastasios Kaburakis
Attorney at Law
Asst. Professor of Management and Sports Business
John Cook School of Business, St. Louis University
Review Board:
E. Benan Arseven
Attorney at Law
Moroğlu Arseven
Professor Lucio Colantuoni, LLM
Colantuoni, Allegri & Coll.
Studio Legale Associato
Law Faculty, University of Milan, Italy
University of Milan Sports Law Research Centre Director
Pantelis Dedes, LLM
Attorney at Law
Member of Court of Arbitration for Sport
Ad Hoc Division for the Olympic Games arbitrator
Dedes, Makroglou and Associates
Dr. James M. Gladden
Dean, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
School of Physical Education & Tourism Management
Dr. Heather Lawrence Benedict
Assistant Professor, Sport Administration
Ohio University
Visiting Professor, MBA Program
Instituto de Empresa, Business School
Dr. Despina Mavromati
Attorney at Law
Counsel, Court of Arbitration for Sport
Dr. David McArdle
Senior Lecturer in Law
University of Stirling
Editor, Entertainment and Sports Law Journal
Richard McLaren, HBA, LLB, LLM, C. Arb.
Professor, Faculty of Law
The University of Western Ontario
Counsel - McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP
Court of Arbitration for Sport arbitrator -- Ad Hoc Division for the Olympic Games arbitrator
Dr. Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos
Attorney at Law
Associate Professor
University of Athens, Greece
President, International Association of Sports Law
President, Hellenic Center of Research on Sports Law
Dr. Paul M. Pedersen
Associate Professor, Sport Management
Director, Sport Management Doctoral Program
Indiana University Bloomington
Editor, International Journal of Sport Communication
Josephine (Jo) R. Potuto
Richard H. Larson Professor of Constitutional Law
Faculty Athletics Representative
College of Law, University of Nebraska Lincoln
National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Committee of Infractions Past Chair
Dr. Ryan Rodenberg
Attorney At Law
Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Dr. Özgerhan Tolunay
Attorney At Law
Director, Tolun Consulting Sport Law Center, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and Istanbul, Turkey
Director, Tolun Consulting Trading, Switzerland
John Wolohan, Esq.
Professor and Chair
Dept. of Sport Management and Media
Ithaca College
Andreas Zagklis, LLM
Attorney at Law
Martens Rechtsanwälte